Decidedly beautiful and innovative, equipped with all the accessories for their assembly, suitable for all outdoor or indoor activities. Design showers that you can place in any outdoor or indoor environment, real pieces of furniture. Discover the best stainless steel showers online with instant discount when ordering.
XXL Green Solar Shower for Garden and Pool with Curved HD Polyethylene Design
Shower With Solar Heating Green. Curved Body In Hd Polyethylene For Garden And Pool Height 226,6 Cm Round Shower Head Diameter 20cm Tank 40 Liters Foot Wash Tap Accessories In Black Metal. Anti-limescale Filter And Cover Included
By popular demand from our customers, we are reintroducing the large 40-litre green solar shower!
Price MPCshop
Eur. 559
11 Pcs Estimated Delivery in 1 working days
All prices are VAT included
Varianti di Large Green Solar Shower
White Eur. 559
Blue Eur. 559
Grey Eur. 559
Black Eur. 559
Black Eur. 559
Red Eur. 559
Green Eur. 559
large green solar shower, large capacity tank of 40 litres for many free hot showers. green xxl sun shower, with a practical protective cover and limescale filter as a gift. large green shower suitable for sport and free time, beach, camping, garden, swimming pool, sea. xxl solar shower, works only with solar energy, no electricity consumption. large outdoor shower, you can easily install it, no special technical knowledge is required.
Sined Sole Xxl Solar Heated Shower Curved Large Tank 40 Litres Green
large solar shower green xxl outdoor heating body curve polyethylene garden swimming pool shower head round tank 40 liters foot wash faucet filter antiscale cover
Green 40l Solar Shower With Footwash Sined Shower Sun Xxl Green
If you want really hot water, choose from our Sined solar heated showers the dark black grey blue red ones
New large green shower with solar heating, large tank capacity, with its 40 liters amply meets the need for hot showers all day. Exclusive design and accessories in gunmetal black. The contrast between the colour of the shower and the accessories is striking. Made of PEHD, non-toxic high molecular density polyethylene, very resistant to weather, UV rays and chemicals. Including sturdy cover and anti-scale filter. Big shower head with anti-scale nozzles. The jet of the shower head of the solar showers is much gentler than the jet of a traditional shower or the tap, from the footwash only cold water.
Patented technology that allows the maximum amount of water to be heated by reducing the time it takes to heat the water in the tank. This allows the total exploitation of the water heated by the sun in the shower much faster, compared to traditional "solar heated showers" and to deliver hot water for twice as long. Solar shower also designed for professional use with large workloads for beaches, spas and swimming pools open to the public.
Anti-limescale filter and practical protective bag, for storage, as a gift
Construction details to highlight Shower twice as thick as the competition. High-pressure 12 KGS internal hose Inlet tap Super resistant and reinforced Ideal for gardens, swimming pools and beaches
Ecological It runs on solar energy, a solar-heated shower is environmentally friendly. The sun is the most abundant and cleanest source of energy. It works without a solar panel.
You will save money on your electricity bills. Runs on solar power only, no future worries about electricity consumption.
Easy to install and easier to use. Solar heating showers are very simple and designed with few components. They are therefore generally easy to install, requiring no special technical knowledge to place them. You can start using them right away.
Practical You can get the chlorine off your body after a swim in the pool, salt if you are on a camping trip, or simply take a refreshing shower in your garden.
Healthy The water jet is never "devastating" and you can adjust it to your liking, with great beneficial effects for both your hair and your skin.
The shower is individually pressure tested by immersion in a tub of water, after the test it is dried, rechecked and carefully packed with customised protection.
Complete with - Super resistant and reinforced - Ideal for gardens, swimming pools and beaches - Water tank 40 litres - Height 226,6 cm - Foot washing tap - Large swivel overhead shower diameter 20 cm 8" Brass - Brass accessories - Inlet filling tap - Drain plug - Fixing plugs supplied - Fixing with special protective nylon bushings - Limescale filter - High-quality mixer cartridge - Recommended water pressure 3.5 bar - Silicone inner tubes 12 Kgs pressure - Weight 13.5 kg - 190 cloth protective bag for storage
You won`t find a solar heated shower like this!
Some advice Leaking water from the shower head after turning off the shower tap is not a defect but a technical requirement! A solar shower is not a closed system. If there is a demand for hot water, cold water enters the tank from below through the valve and pushes the hot water already in the upper part of the tank outwards. The entire shower body is filled with water and acts as a solar heating system. The pressure created by the heating system can escape from the shower head.
Dismantling at the end of the season During the winter period the shower must be COMPLETELY drained of the water it contains. In addition, the shower should be dismantled and stored in a dry place during the winter. Not complying with this warning can cause frost damage to the product. Frost damage is not covered by the warranty. 1) Close the shower and remove the garden hose. 2) To drain the shower, turn the mixer back to the HOT position (approx. 2 minutes) and open the drain plug. 3) Remove the fixing screws on the base and drain the remaining water from the lower part of the shower by tilting the shower (absolutely necessary!)
Cleaning Consumer detergents should be used for cleaning. Do not use cleaning agents containing solvents, abrasive cleaning agents or hard sponges, brushes, etc.
Solar shower for beach camping garden swimming pool SINED SOLE-GREEN-XXL
Solar shower for beach camping garden swimming pool SINED SOLE-GREEN-XXL
Shower With Solar Heating Green. Curved Body In Hd Polyethylene For Garden And Pool Height 226,6 Cm Round Shower Head Diameter 20cm Tank 40 Liters Foot Wash Tap Accessories In Black Metal. Anti-limescale Filter And Cover Included
By popular demand from our customers, we are reintroducing the large 40-litre green solar shower!
Price MPCshop
Eur. 559
11 Pcs Estimated Delivery in 1 working days
All prices are VAT included
large green solar shower, large capacity tank of 40 litres for many free hot showers. green xxl sun shower, with a practical protective cover and limescale filter as a gift. large green shower suitable for sport and free time, beach, camping, garden, swimming pool, sea. xxl solar shower, works only with solar energy, no electricity consumption. large outdoor shower, you can easily install it, no special technical knowledge is required.
Se vuoi l`acqua veramente calda scegli fra le nostre docce a riscaldamento solare Sined quelle scure nero grigio blu rosso
Nuova grande doccia verde a riscaldamento solare, grande capacità del serbatotio, con i suoi 40 litri soddisfa ampliamente il bisogno di docce calde tutto il giorno. Design ed accessori esclusivi di colore nero canna di fucile. Si fa notare il contrasto tra il colore della doccia e gli accessori a corredo. Realizzata in PEHD, polietilene ad alta densità molecolare atossico, molto resistente agli agenti atmosferici, raggi UV ed agenti chimici. Compresa la robusta copertura e il filtro anticalcare. Grande soffione orientabile con ugelli anticalcare. Il getto del soffione delle docce solari è molto più dolce del getto di una doccia tradizionale o del rubinetto, dal lavapiedi solo acqua fredda.
Tecnologia brevettata che permette di poter scaldare il massimo quantitativo dell`acqua riducendo il tempo di riscaldamento della stessa all`interno del serbatoio. Questo permette il totale sfruttamento dell`acqua riscaldata dal sole presente nella doccia in modo molto più veloce, rispetto alle tradizionali "docce a riscaldamento solare" e di erogare acqua calda per un tempo doppio. Doccia Solare studiata anche per uso professionale con grandi carichi di lavoro per spiagge, terme e piscine aperte al pubblico.
Filtro anticalcare e pratica sacca protettiva, per riporre il prodotto, in regalo
Particolari costruttivi da evidenziare Spessore doppio della doccia rispetto la concorrenza. Tubazione interna ad alta pressione, da 12 KGS Rubinetto in ingresso Super resistente e rinforzata Ideale per giardini piscine spiagge
Pratico e confortevole Funziona con l’energia solare, una doccia a riscaldamento solare rispetta l’ambiente. Il sole è la fonte di energia più abbondante e più pulita. Funziona senza pannello solare.
Risparmierai sulle bollette elettriche. Funziona solo con l’energia solare, nessuna futura preoccupazione sui consumi elettrici.
Facile da installare e più facile da utilizzare. Le docce a riscaldamento solare sono molto semplici e progettate con pochi componenti. Sono quindi generalmente facili da installare, non richiedono particolari conoscenze tecniche per posizionarle. Puoi iniziare a usarle da subito.
Pratica Puoi toglierti il cloro dal corpo dopo una nuotata in piscina, il sale se sei in un campeggio, o semplicemente fare una doccia ristoratrtitrice nel tuo giardino.
Salutare Il getto dell`acqua non è mai "devastante" e potri regolarlo a tuo piacimento, con grandi effetti benefici sia per i capelii che per la tua pelle.
La doccia viene testata singolarmente a pressione immersa in una vasca di acqua, dopo il test viene asciugata, ricontrollata e accuratamente imballata con protezioni su misura.
Completa di - Super resistente e rinforzata - Ideale per giardini piscine spiagge - Serbatoio acqua litri 40 - Altezza 226,6 cm - Rubinetto Lavapiedi - Soffione orientabile rotondo diametro 20 cm 8” in Ottone - Accessori in Ottone - Rubinetto per riempimento in ingresso - Tappo per svuotamento - Tasselli di fissaggio in dotazione - Fissaggio con speciali boccole in Nylon di protezione - Filtro anticalcare - Cartuccia miscelatore di alta qualità - Pressione acqua consigliata 3,5 bar - Tubi interni silicone 12 Kgs di pressione - Peso 13.5 kg - Sacca protettiva tessuto 190 cloth per riporre il prodotto
Non troverai doccia a riscaldamento solare uguale!
Alcuni consigli La fuoriuscita di acqua dal soffione dopo aver chiuso il rubinetto della doccia non è un difetto ma un requisito tecnico! Una doccia solare non è un sistema chiuso. Se c’è richiesta di acqua calda, l’acqua fredda entra nel serbatoio dal basso attraverso la valvola spingendo verso l’esterno l’acqua calda già presente nella parte superiore del serbatoio. L’intero corpo doccia è riempito di acqua e funge da riscaldamento solare. La pressione che si forma in seguito al riscaldamento può fuoriuscire dal soffione.
Smontaggio a fine stagione Durante il periodo invernale la doccia deve essere COMPLETAMENTE SVUOTATA dall’acqua contenuta. Inoltre durante l’inverno la doccia deve essere smontata e conservata in un luogo asciutto. La mancata osservanza di questa avvertenza può causare danni da gelo al prodotto. I danni causati dal gelo non sono coperti da garanzia. 1) Chiudere la doccia e rimuovere il tubo da giardino. 2) Per svuotare la doccia riportare il miscelatore sulla posizione “CALDO” (ca. 2 minuti) e aprire l’apposito tappo di scarico. 3) Togliere le viti di fissaggio sulla base e svuotare l’acqua restante dalla parte inferiore della doccia inclinando la doccia (operazione assolutamente necessaria!)
Pulizia Per la pulizia utilizzare detergenti comuni disponibili in commercio. Non usare detergenti contenenti solventi, detergenti abrasivi o spugne dure, spazzole, ecc.
Solar shower for beach camping garden swimming pool SINED SOLE-GREEN-XXL
Solar shower for beach camping garden swimming pool SINED SOLE-GREEN-XXL
Shower with cold hot water mixer
Shower with Foot Faucet
Shower with Timer Button
Shower with mobile shower
Shower with Nebulizer
Shower shape
Shower tank capacity in Litres
Shower Type
Shower Material
HD Polyethylene
Shower with shower head
Solar Heating Shower
Traditional Hot and Cold Water Shower
Shower accessories material
Garden Pool Beach
Shower head diameter cm
Shower Head Diameter Inches
Fixing dowels included
yes with nylon bushings
Extra inlet tap
Type Internal pipes
Silicone hoses guaranteed 12kgs
Anti-scale filter included
Protective bag included
Shower height cm
Shower base measurements cm
N Jet types for the shower head
Footwash type
Material Type
HD Polyethylene
Country of production
By popular demand from our customers, we are reintroducing the large 40-litre green solar shower!
Round shower head and accessories color black matt
Protective Grommets For Shower Base Fixing Screws. Useful For Being Able To Securely Fasten Your Shower Base. Sined Offers You Only Original Accessories And Spare Parts.
Black Matte Mixer Handle For Solar Garden Showers. You Will Be Able To Match This Exclusive Accessory To All Sined Solar Heated Showers. Sined Offers Only Original Spare Parts.
Stainless Steel Extension Fitting For Garden Shower Head Sined Sole Xxl Color Black Back Matt, Allows You To Better Adjust The Water Jet In Every Direction. Original Replacement.
Blue Solar Shower With Curved Structure In Hd Polyethylene For Garden And Pool Height 226,6 Cm Round Shower Head Diameter 20 Cm Tank 40 Litres Foot Wash Tap Accessories In Black Metal. Free Anti-scale Filter And Cover For The Shower.
DOCCIA-SOLE-XXL-GRIGIA Grey Solar Shower For Garden
Solar Shower For Swimming Pool And Garden Made Of Hd Polyethylene For Outdoor Use. Metal Accessories, Height 226,6 Cm, Round Shower Head Diameter 20cm, Tank 40 Lit, Foot-washing Tap. Limestone Filter And Cover For The Shower, Included .
Solar Shower Black For Garden Shower With Round Shower Head Diameter 20 Cm Tank 40 Liters Foot Wash Tap Height 226,6 Cm Curved Structure In Hd Polyethylene With Metal Accessories Balck Matt. Limestone Filter And Cover For The Shower, Included.
DOCCIA-SOLE-XXL-NERA-ORO Large Solar Shower Color Black And Gold
Black Solar Shower For Garden With Round Shower Head Diameter 20 Cm Tank 40 Litres Foot Wash Tap Height 226,6 Cm Curved Structure In Hd Polyethylene Accessories In Gold Metal. Anti-limescale Filter And Shower Cover. Gold Accessories
Solar Shower Red, Curved Structure In Hd Polyethylene For Garden And Swimming Pool Height 226,6 Cm Round Shower Head Diameter 20 Cm Tank 40 Liters Footwash Tap Accessories In Black Metal. For Free Anti-scale Filter And Cover For The Shower.
Shower With Solar Heating White. Curved Body In Hd Polyethylene For Garden And Swimming Pool Height 226,6 Cm Round Shower Head Diameter 20cm Tank 40 Liters Foot Wash Tap Accessories In Black Metal. Anti-limescale Filter And Shower Cover
Blue Solar Shower With Curved Structure In Hd Polyethylene For Garden And Pool Height 226,6 Cm Round Shower Head Diameter 20 Cm Tank 40 Litres Foot Wash Tap Accessories In Black Metal. Free Anti-scale Filter And Cover For The Shower.
DOCCIA-SOLE-XXL-GRIGIA Grey Solar Shower For Garden
Solar Shower For Swimming Pool And Garden Made Of Hd Polyethylene For Outdoor Use. Metal Accessories, Height 226,6 Cm, Round Shower Head Diameter 20cm, Tank 40 Lit, Foot-washing Tap. Limestone Filter And Cover For The Shower, Included .
Solar Shower Black For Garden Shower With Round Shower Head Diameter 20 Cm Tank 40 Liters Foot Wash Tap Height 226,6 Cm Curved Structure In Hd Polyethylene With Metal Accessories Balck Matt. Limestone Filter And Cover For The Shower, Included.
DOCCIA-SOLE-XXL-NERA-ORO Large Solar Shower Color Black And Gold
Black Solar Shower For Garden With Round Shower Head Diameter 20 Cm Tank 40 Litres Foot Wash Tap Height 226,6 Cm Curved Structure In Hd Polyethylene Accessories In Gold Metal. Anti-limescale Filter And Shower Cover. Gold Accessories
Solar Shower Red, Curved Structure In Hd Polyethylene For Garden And Swimming Pool Height 226,6 Cm Round Shower Head Diameter 20 Cm Tank 40 Liters Footwash Tap Accessories In Black Metal. For Free Anti-scale Filter And Cover For The Shower.
Shower With Solar Heating White. Curved Body In Hd Polyethylene For Garden And Swimming Pool Height 226,6 Cm Round Shower Head Diameter 20cm Tank 40 Liters Foot Wash Tap Accessories In Black Metal. Anti-limescale Filter And Shower Cover
DOCCIA-SOLE-XXL-VERDESINED Large Green Solar Shower Shower With Solar Heating Green. Curved Body In Hd Polyethylene For Garden And Pool Height 226,6 Cm Round Shower Head Diameter 20cm Tank 40 Liters Foot Wash Tap Accessories In Black Metal. Anti-limescale Filter And Cover Included Green Polietilene HD
Price : EUR 559
Condition: New
Availability: InStock
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